Friday 18 April 2014

How to start Making Money for FREE

You might have reached this post because you are fed up with all the lies and money making scams online. You have been looking for job ideas and you want to learn no charge ways to make money but every where you turn there is a “system” that requires you to pay money upfront. When you do pay the fee, you find out it is just like the last make easy money scam you purchased.

For instance, stuffing envelopes from home would fall into this scam category. Maybe you have avoided paying anything so far and if so, good for you. You are ahead of the game because most other people start out by being scammed a couple of times.Many of these scams involve selling you “turnkey websites”. The word “turnkey” is one of the best advertising gimicky words ever created for scamers to take your money. Who wouldn’t like a website where all you have to do is turn a key and have money flow out of it? It sounds like one of the best all time ways to make money, doesn’t it? The problem is that there is no such thing no matter what anyone tells you. A turnkey website is just a website that has been put together for you. It is not magical and not special in any way and it won’t make you a dime unless you know how to drive traffic to it.
Many of these guru’s ”programs” and “systems” invlove giving you one of these turnkey websites and then hoping you will believe you are going to make easy money.So, lets assume you paid $97.99 or some other high price and you now have yourself a turnkey website. So what? There are hundreds of millions of websites out there on the Internet. Is your new website any different or better than all the others? No! Your website that you got from the “guru” with the fantastic claims of fast money will be getting zero visitors and making zero dollars.
Do you know how to get targeted traffic to that site so that it will make sales? Will the guru who you just paid that $97.99 to for this next to worthless site tell you? The only thing he might tell you is to go spend more money on Pay Per Click to get traffic. That is a mistake you don’t want to make and you may lose your shirt trying that.The end result is that you are left with your website that no one knows about and makes you nothing and you still have to pay $4.95 or $9.95 per month to keep it up with hosting. You have no clue how to get visitors to your site who will buy, the guru has gone on to scam others and won’t help you, and eventually you just give up. You are still no closer to finding any good ways to make money online. Sound familiar?

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